How Well Can I Draw in 5 Second?

On 4th of July, my class held a mini game. It started quite mysterious and exciting. He just asked us to grab a pencil and a paper and draw 10 boxes. The larger the boxes drawn, the better. At that time, I was thinking ‘Is it bingo? Is it charade?’ And my latter thought nailed it. Kinda, I guess.

The one thing that I like about the starting of the game was how quiet and tension the air was. It shows how determined human’s nature to get everything correct. Even Sir himself find it interesting. Were you, Sir?

So, to show you what I did, this is it. My roller coaster is disastrous. My Doraemon, my Minion…


So, after all this chaotic thing going on, I guess we should agree that to be a designer, animator, illustrator that requires us to actually design and draw things, it is not easy. Even I admit that I take about an hour to animate a jumping rubber ball! It applies the same in our daily life. Everyone needs time to finish their job so that the end products will be high in quality. Which is why I do agree that everyone needs the right to procrastinate, but no one should over-procrastinate themselves.

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